billeterie individuelle

Pass’ Musées 14-18

Useful information

Pass'Musées 14-18: What is it?

Since 2011, several museums on the theme of the First World War have joined forces to create a network with the aim of creating a Pass that allows visitors to benefit from discounts!

All you have to do is visit one of the 18 partner museums!

When you buy your full-price admission ticket(s), we’ll give you this Pass, which will give you discounts at the 17 other museums!

All you have to do is visit one of the 18 partner museums!

When you buy your full-price admission ticket(s), we’ll give you this Pass, which will give you discounts at the 17 other museums!

Our partners

In Flanders Fields Museum - Ypres

Hooge Crater Museum

Plugstreet 14-18 Experience

Memorial Museum Paschendaele 1917

Centre historique Minier Lewarde

Bullecourt 1917

Mémorial 14-18 Notre Dame de Lorette

Carrière Wellington

Cambrai Tank 1917

Historial de la Grande Guerre Musée de Thiepval

Musée Somme 1916 Albert

Historial de la Grande Guerre Musée de Péronne

Musée Franco-américain du château de Blérancourt

Caverne du Dragon Centre du visiteur

Mémorial de l'Armistice

Marne 14-18

Musée de la Grande Guerre

Mémorial de Verdun